Painters Tip for Washing Hands


Painters Tip: Use an Ultra Snuggle dryer sheet with Ultra Palmolive Power dish liquid when washing hands after using shellac or oil base stains and you won’t need to use paint thinner that dries your skin and robs it of natural oils.


I came upon this painters hand washing tip by accident, way back in the late 90’s. At Pearce Country Collectables we created many country style products that required a shellac seal for protecting the product. I did save my old dryer sheets for hand wash clean ups with thinner. But this one day I could not find the thinner for cleaning up my hands so I just used the Palmolive dish shop with my old dryer sheet and was amazed that it cleaned up the shellac from my hands. Needless to say this became my go to when cleaning up from shellac and oil base paint projects. So give it a try and save your hands from the harsh paint thinner when cleaning up from shellac or oil base paint projects.

If you have good craft painters tips… please lmk so I can share it with our viewers.


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